“Gathering valuable insights”


Gathering valuable insights  

Last updated: 1 December, 2011    

By accessing this website of the RIMAS Risk Management Consulting & Services Ltd (the “RIMAS Website” or “Website”) and any page thereof you take note and agree that we collect and use your personal data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement and the Terms and Conditions Statement. By continuing to access or use this Website or by using an e-mail address provided on this Website, you take note and are consenting to our use of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy Statement. Please do not access this Website and do not send us your personal data if you do not want us to store or use the data as described in this Privacy Policy Statement.    

Commitment to maintaining your privacy  

RIMAS Risk Management Consulting & Services Ltd and all its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “RIMAS”, “we” or “us”) are committed to maintaining the privacy of every current, former and prospective customer. We recognise that you entrust important personal information to us, and we wish to assure you that we take seriously our responsibilities in protecting and safeguarding this information. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes in detail how we deal with information that we collect on this Website or you submit us.  

This Policy may be updated at any time. Please ensure that you read the latest version of this page regularly. The first paragraph of the page tells you when the last update was made.

At RIMAS we take your privacy seriously and we are committed to protecting the personal information that you choose to share with us. This information is gathered at registration, during your use of the service or otherwise in oral and written communications. We understand the importance of maintaining your trust and confidence in us and we shall ensure that the personal information you submit to us remains private, and is used solely for the purposes set out in this Policy.    

How we protect the personal information, we gather

We require our employees to treat personal information with the utmost care. We also work to restrict access to personal information only to those employees who need it. We have physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in place that comply with relevant national standards and regulations to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. We do not use your data for purposes other than those described in this Policy, nor do we disclose to any third party any personal information about our customers or former customers, except with a customer’s consent or as otherwise permitted or required by law. In cases where we believe that additional products and services may be of interest to you, we may share your personal information only with affiliates of RIMAS to the extent permitted by applicable law. We may also disclose this information to firms that perform services on our behalf to the extent permitted by applicable law. These service providers are required to treat the information confidentially and use it only for the purpose for which it is provided. Certain jurisdictions may have more stringent privacy requirements that will prevent disclosure of your personal information to any other person or entity, including affiliates.  

We will retain your personal information in accordance with applicable data protection laws for as long as it is needed.    

How we use personal information  

We use your personal information to enhance the quality of the products or services we wish to provide to our customers or in connection with your relationship with or through us and to maintain contact details for those with whom we deal. We restrict access to personal information about you to those employees, agents or other parties who need to know this information in order to provide products or services to you or in connection with your relationship with or through us. The ways that we use your personal information will vary depending upon our relationship with you, but they may include: (I) evaluating your needs to assist you in obtaining services that meet your needs; (II) designing and improving the services that we offer; (III) processing, servicing and maintaining accounts and transactions; (IV) preventing fraud; (V) verifying your identity; and (VI) complying with legal and regulatory requirements.    

Information we collect  

We may collect personal data from and about you when you use this Website or when you apply for or use services offered over the RIMAS Website in the following ways:  

  • You provide personal information to us, in particular your contact data like name and e-mail address, by using the various functionalities of the RIMAS Website (e.g. commenting functionality, subscription functionality, ordering functionality) or by sending information to a RIMAS e-mail address given on the RIMAS Website.
  • You provide additional personal information to us which we may request from you from time to time following on from any contact you have made with us through the RIMAS Website. Such information may be necessary or unnecessary (optional) for the provision of services on this Website as indicated in any particular case. In no event, however, are you requested to provide confidential or sensitive personal data about you or other persons. Please avoid sending us such types of data.
  • If you access the RIMAS Website or use services available via the RIMAS Website, your connection data will be collected by our servers and/or through cookies that may be placed in your computer. Our servers will store your IP address in log files by which your computer can be identified as well as certain other connection data (e.g. time and amount of transferred data, product and release information from your internet browser).

We may send cookies to your computer. Cookies are strings of information that are sent out by a website and saved in your computer. We may use session-specific cookies and “web bugs”  to automatically collect data about website usage when you visit this Website, including your IP address, “click-stream” data regarding the portions of the Website that you visit and the information or other services you obtain or input (including domain name, internet service provider, protocol, browser type, operating system, etc., otherwise known as “usage information”). This information is collected primarily for purposes of administering the Website, compiling demographic information and monitoring usage and performance of the Website. If you turn off the cookie function you may not receive all the information on the Website.  


If you register to use the (password-)protected or country-specific portions of our Website, we will ask you to provide us with certain information about yourself. This information may include your name, company name, title, address, country of residence, e-mail address, telephone number, etc. We use such information about you to verify your identity and eligibility to receive certain products or services, to provide information to you about products and services that we believe may be of interest to you, to record your interest in products and services that we offer, and to respond to your requests for information. We may also use cookies or web bugs on such portions of our Website to collect usage information, and to facilitate your movement within the Website (e.g. remembering passwords during a session and recording the country you may have elected as your country of residence).  

We may collect information concerning the attachments you open within newsletters that are sent to you electronically.  

We may also collect personal information about you from applications, forms or questionnaires you may complete or agreements you enter into with us or in the course of your establishing or maintaining a customer relationship with us.  

If you decline to provide us with the personal information we require, we may not be in a position to provide you with services.    

What personal information we disclose  

We do not disclose any of the information described above to anyone, except as permitted by law. For example, we may share personal information with affiliates and non-affiliated third parties, such as service providers and consulting companies and others to (I) help us fulfil client contracts; (II) print and mail information; (III) help us verify information, including identity; (IV) help us develop, operate and maintain our systems; (V) perform other services on our behalf. We require affiliates and non-affiliated third parties to whom we provide personal information for such purposes to protect the confidentiality of this information and to use it only for agreed-upon purposes. We may also share personal information with government agencies and regulators as necessary or required and with affiliates and non-affiliated third parties as requested by you or your authorised representative.    

Information about users generally  

RIMAS gathers information about all its users collectively, such as what area users visit most frequently and what information users access the most. This information also helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users, and how we can continually create a better overall service for you. We may share this anonymous information with our business partners but only in the aggregate, so that they too may understand how RIMAS customers use our services. This aggregate information is never shared in a form that allows individual users or subscribers to be personally identified and it does not involve the transfer of any personal data we hold about you.    

Information about users specifically  

When you register to use RIMAS services we require certain personal information about you, such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. This information may also be submitted to RIMAS in written form or via voice. In addition to tracking individual usage and marketing as described below, RIMAS uses this personal information in several ways to:

  • enable RIMAS to process, validate and verify subscriptions
  • deliver the appropriate RIMAS service to you
  • assess and improve our services to you and to keep you informed about updates
  • advise you on your use of RIMAS services
  • invoice and collect payment from individual subscribers  


This Website may contain hyperlinks to other websites that are not operated or monitored by RIMAS. These other websites are not subject to this Policy and we are not responsible for their content or for the policy they apply to the treatment of personal data. We recommend that you read the policy used by these websites and check how these websites protect your personal data and whether they are trustworthy.    

Storage of your personal information  

The personal information that you provide to RIMAS is held on our secure servers. We retain this information as long as you are registered with us and for a reasonable period after you close your account. This information will be shared within the RIMAS group of companies only. Except as described above, we will not knowingly disclose any of this personal data or information about use of RIMAS’ services to outside parties (other than our sub-contractors if required), except when you expressly consent or we believe the law requires it.    

Updating account information  

You have the right to ask RIMAS at any time for a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. This information shall be provided on payment of an administration fee. RIMAS allows you to change or correct your personal information at any time. To do so, simply write to us at the appropriate address specified below.     Changes to the Privacy Policy   If RIMAS decides to change its Privacy Policy, we will post those changes here so that you will always read the latest version of this page. The first paragraph of this page tells you when the last update was made. If at any time you have additional questions or concerns about RIMAS’ Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.    


If you have any questions relating to these Terms of Use, please contact us using the general contact functionality provided on this Website.    

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction  

These terms shall be construed, enforced and performed in accordance with the substantive laws of Switzerland without reference to its conflicts of laws principles. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland. RIMAS makes no representation that any information, materials or functions included are appropriate for use in any other jurisdiction. If you access our Website, you do so, on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations.    

For further information on legal matters, contact the legal department at RIMAS Risk Management Consulting & Services Ltd, Stampfenbachstrasse 42, P.O. Box 2123, CH-8021 Zurich, Switzerland, T: +41 (0)43 233 9660, F: +41 (0)43 233 9661.  

© 2011-2015 rimas risk management consulting & services ltd. All rights reserved.