“Listening, questioning, understanding”



Listening, questioning, understanding  

Developing a risk management solution in a vacuum is like trying to build a building without solid architectural plans. This is why the ability to listen, ask well-timed questions and understand subtle distinctions is at the core of everything we do. To maximise our chances of success, we go to great lengths to define, design and realise our projects.

Define: The first thing we will do is discuss your needs. Depending on your situation and risk profile, our advisors may be provocative or simply proceed neutrally to clarify your situation. We will be listening carefully to form a complete picture of your requirements.

Design: Once we have agreed on what needs to be done we will work with you on-site to design a creative concept that highlights both internal and external risks as well as potential opportunities, and charts the best way forward.

Realise: We will not only align our actions precisely with your requests but monitor the way the risks evolve in order to anticipate possible “sequels” and make the necessary adjustments. We can also regularly audit the success of our solutions to ensure they remain relevant in rapidly changing environments.

RIMAS’ reputation is built on our systematic approach and our consultants’ ability to deliver tailored solutions.